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class Inventory(Entity): def __init__(self, width=5, height=8, **kwargs): super().__init__( parent = camera.ui, model = Quad(radius=.015), texture = 'white_cube', texture_scale = (width, height), scale = (width*.1, height*.1), origin = (-.5,.5), position = (-.3,.4), color = color.hsv(0, 0, .1, .9), ) self.width = width self.height = height for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def find_free_spot(self): for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): grid_positions = [(int(e.x*self.texture_scale[0]), int(e.y*self.texture_scale[1])) for e in self.children] print(grid_positions) if not (x, -y) in grid_positions: print('found free spot:', x, y) return x, y def append(self, item, x=0, y=0): print('add item:', item) if len(self.children) >= self.width*self.height: print('inventory full') error_message = Text('<red>Inventory is full!', origin=(0,-1.5), x=-.5, scale=2) destroy(error_message, delay=1) return x, y = self.find_free_spot() icon = Draggable( parent = self, model = 'quad', texture = item, color = color.white, scale_x = 1/self.texture_scale[0], scale_y = 1/self.texture_scale[1], origin = (-.5,.5), x = x * 1/self.texture_scale[0], y = -y * 1/self.texture_scale[1], z = -.5, ) name = item.replace('_', ' ').title() if random.random() < .25: icon.color = name = '<orange>Rare ' + name icon.tooltip = Tooltip(name) icon.tooltip.background.color = color.hsv(0,0,0,.8) def drag(): icon.org_pos = (icon.x, icon.y) icon.z -= .01 # ensure the dragged item overlaps the rest def drop(): icon.x = int((icon.x + (icon.scale_x/2)) * self.width) / self.width icon.y = int((icon.y - (icon.scale_y/2)) * self.height) / self.height icon.z += .01 # if outside, return to original position if icon.x < 0 or icon.x >= 1 or icon.y > 0 or icon.y <= -1: icon.position = (icon.org_pos) return # if the spot is taken, swap positions for c in self.children: if c == icon: continue if c.x == icon.x and c.y == icon.y: print('swap positions') c.position = icon.org_pos icon.drag = drag icon.drop = drop if __name__ == '__main__': app = Ursina() inventory = Inventory() def add_item(): inventory.append(random.choice(('bag', 'bow_arrow', 'gem', 'orb', 'sword'))) add_item() add_item() add_item_button = Button( scale = (.1,.1), x = -.5, color = color.lime.tint(-.25), text = '+', tooltip = Tooltip('Add random item'), on_click = add_item ) background = Entity(parent=camera.ui, model='quad', texture='shore', scale_x=camera.aspect_ratio, z=1) Cursor(texture='cursor', scale=.1) mouse.visible = False