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from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController from ursina.shaders import lit_with_shadows_shader app = Ursina() random.seed(0) Entity.default_shader = lit_with_shadows_shader ground = Entity(model='plane', collider='box', scale=64, texture='grass', texture_scale=(4,4)) editor_camera = EditorCamera(enabled=False, ignore_paused=True) player = FirstPersonController(model='cube', z=-10,, origin_y=-.5, speed=8, collider='box') player.collider = BoxCollider(player, Vec3(0,1,0), Vec3(1,2,1)) gun = Entity(model='cube', parent=camera, position=(.5,-.25,.25), scale=(.3,.2,1), origin_z=-.5,, on_cooldown=False) gun.muzzle_flash = Entity(parent=gun, z=1, world_scale=.5, model='quad', color=color.yellow, enabled=False) shootables_parent = Entity() mouse.traverse_target = shootables_parent for i in range(16): Entity(model='cube', origin_y=-.5, scale=2, texture='brick', texture_scale=(1,2), x=random.uniform(-8,8), z=random.uniform(-8,8) + 8, collider='box', scale_y = random.uniform(2,3), color=color.hsv(0, 0, random.uniform(.9, 1)) ) def update(): if held_keys['left mouse']: shoot() def shoot(): if not gun.on_cooldown: # print('shoot') gun.on_cooldown = True gun.muzzle_flash.enabled=True from ursina.prefabs.ursfx import ursfx ursfx([(0.0, 0.0), (0.1, 0.9), (0.15, 0.75), (0.3, 0.14), (0.6, 0.0)], volume=0.5, wave='noise', pitch=random.uniform(-13,-12), pitch_change=-12, speed=3.0) invoke(gun.muzzle_flash.disable, delay=.05) invoke(setattr, gun, 'on_cooldown', False, delay=.15) if mouse.hovered_entity and hasattr(mouse.hovered_entity, 'hp'): mouse.hovered_entity.hp -= 10 mouse.hovered_entity.blink( from ursina.prefabs.health_bar import HealthBar class Enemy(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=shootables_parent, model='cube', scale_y=2, origin_y=-.5, color=color.light_gray, collider='box', **kwargs) self.health_bar = Entity(parent=self, y=1.2, model='cube',, world_scale=(1.5,.1,.1)) self.max_hp = 100 self.hp = self.max_hp def update(self): dist = distance_xz(player.position, self.position) if dist > 40: return self.health_bar.alpha = max(0, self.health_bar.alpha - time.dt) self.look_at_2d(player.position, 'y') hit_info = raycast(self.world_position + Vec3(0,1,0), self.forward, 30, ignore=(self,)) # print(hit_info.entity) if hit_info.entity == player: if dist > 2: self.position += self.forward * time.dt * 5 @property def hp(self): return self._hp @hp.setter def hp(self, value): self._hp = value if value <= 0: destroy(self) return self.health_bar.world_scale_x = self.hp / self.max_hp * 1.5 self.health_bar.alpha = 1 # Enemy() enemies = [Enemy(x=x*4) for x in range(4)] def pause_input(key): if key == 'tab': # press tab to toggle edit/play mode editor_camera.enabled = not editor_camera.enabled player.visible_self = editor_camera.enabled player.cursor.enabled = not editor_camera.enabled gun.enabled = not editor_camera.enabled mouse.locked = not editor_camera.enabled editor_camera.position = player.position application.paused = editor_camera.enabled pause_handler = Entity(ignore_paused=True, input=pause_input) sun = DirectionalLight() sun.look_at(Vec3(1,-1,-1)) Sky()