A Markdown inspired markup language.
Converts the text files in a folder into web pages.
Use the tags below to style it.
1) Install Python
2) Install sswg:
How to Run
cd into the folder where your text files are and run:
python -m sswg
# size 1.25
# width 900
# left, right, center
# normal, bold, bolder, lighter
# image imagename
# arial, times, helvetica, courier, verdana, tahoma, bookman, monospace
# background colorname
# code (start code block)
# text (end code block)
# insert some_file.txt
## (create header with size 2)
- ### (create header with size 3)
- #### (create header with size 6)
- [Button Name, https://pokepetter.github.io/sswg/]
- [Button Name, https://pokepetter.github.io/sswg/, image_name.jpg] (big button)
- [Button Name, header name]
- # insert other_file.txt
- # index other_file.text (creates links to all the headers(##) in the file)
Style Override
Create a style.css file and it will get loaded automatically.
This will style all the pages in the project.
To style a specific page, you can include the style inside < style > tags at
the top of the document
Example Website
# center, bold, arial, size 5
ursina engine
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ□
# size 1.25, bold
# normal
pip install ursina
# bold
# left, width 900, size 2
Powered by Python
# normal, size 1
Lorem Ipsum sit dolor et amet.
Made with sswg